Why don’t we remember past lives?
Well, some people do, but most of us don’t - consciously at least. The reason
is simple; we don’t love enough. Not just any love, but a special kind of love
which Jesus spoke of when he said “love
one another as I have loved you.”
Not being able to remember our past
lives means that we don’t understand reincarnation and therefore don’t see it
mentioned in the Bible. The main reason we don’t understand reincarnation is
because we are lack awareness of our spiritual vision. Our vision is confined
to what we can physically see and touch.
Yet within the physical lies spirit, spirit
gives physical form and life.
When we die spirit leaves this form an empty, lifeless shell.
When we die spirit leaves this form an empty, lifeless shell.
The best way to understand this is
to contemplate the life cycle of a butterfly; compare the pupa to our body and
the butterfly to our spirit.
Thank you for the great photo Learn About Nature
Watch this time lapsed video Amazing Life of a Monarch Butterfly
When we consider spirit, and the
spiritual worlds, we need to think of spirit as an invisible force within us
and around us - giving us life and form - not something “out there.” When we begin
to traverse the boundaries of what we can see and touch, we realise that one of
the most spiritual things we do in life is to love. Love is not something “out
there,” it is an activity we constantly experience in one form or another. We
can’t touch love, but we can see it in the expression on people’s faces and in
their gestures.
Through love spirit reaches out to touch
Love is a complex and even
mysterious feeling. It has many layers and different expressions. We can even
disguise our hatred as love. In the Bible, we see how love plays out in the
life of the man Jesus as he took into himself the Cosmic Christ. Even though he
was berated, mocked, scorned and immobilised on a cross, he never stopped loving.
Jesus is the role model for our own
journey of spiritual growth; we can apply his experiences to our inner self,
within our consciousness. Our inner Jesus is that part of us that always tries
to act in a higher way, that part of us yearning for purity, purity necessary
before the Christ impulse will become an active part of our consciousness. This
is not a straightforward process as we soon discover.
As we begin to commit to a higher expression, something within us then
mocks and immobilises us. We hear an inner voice saying, “Don’t be such a
goody-two-shoes, you could be bullied for that.” In this way we are mocking,
scorning, and crucifying our inner Jesus.
This leaves us asking the question:
how was it possible for Jesus to love so much that he could bear all that he
bore on his journey to the cross? The answer tells us how we can recognise the
presence of Christ in this world, in us and in each other.
The New Commandment is the answer:
"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Jn
Innocence (L'innocence) - William
Adolphe Bouguereau (1893)
Love is not a simple
straightforward feeling; it has different expressions. The Greeks used four
different words for love.
1. Eros is erotic physical love. Eros is
the Greek god of fertility. This is passionate love involving sensual desire and longing. This kind of love leads
to procreative urges to ensure the survival of the species.
2. Philia is the love arising in friendship
and even in business connections. There is mutual admiration that can be
supportive and nurturing but also exclusive. If the usefulness of the
relationship changes, so can the relationship.
3. Storge is the love of family, tribe and
nation. It can be defensive and aggressive to those outside the group. This
is the kind of love we also find in the animal kingdom.
4. Agape is the highest love. We can call
it divine love, Christ-ened love. This love is expressed by those who
experience the highest in themselves - which they also see in others. It speaks
of unification and intense compassion. This love is expressed without fear or
favour and therefore it is not sentimental. It may not always be interpreted as
love because it can cut like a sword.
In the New Commandment the word
used for ‘love’ is agape, “that you agape-love
one another as I have agape-loved you.” This is the only love strong enough
to see our own past lives. Why? Because seeing our past lives requires agape-love
to be able to deal with our karma - the consequences of our actions in a past
Generally, we respond to our karma
by blaming the other person for what they have said or done to us. For example,
if someone undermines us, we need to look for the cause in our own actions in a
past life - perhaps we caused them to fall through a floor, or lose their
footing somehow.
Facing our karma takes courage and
it takes agape-love for self. St Paul knew this which is why he wanted to
record these words for perpetuity.
“Do not be deceived; God is not
mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Gal 6:7
There are many quotes in the Bible
about reincarnation, and many references to agape-love. When we truly
understand the purpose of living repeated lives on this earth, we come to
understand that karma is a blessing; it enables us to act in a higher way. It
also enables us to experience agape-love. The higher our response to our karma,
the closer we come to a true experience of Christ Jesus.