Thirty Three by
Umbra Perchiazzi
Unlocking the
Bible requires all the necessary tools. The most important tool is to have a
clear understanding of who we are as human beings. This could be why the image
of a physical man nailed to a cross who then goes through a resurrection is
burned in our consciousness. The truth about human nature has been blurred for
centuries, by the church and by science. For this reason many texts in the
Bible don’t make sense, especially when we look at the fundamental meaning of
the Hebrew or Greek words.
When we begin to understand
the makeup of a human being we can also begin to know ourselves more deeply. There
are many ways to approach this but let’s start with our physical body. How strongly
do we identify with our physical body, thinking that this is who we are?
Then we hear
mention of the soul. Where is this soul and what does it do? We can also hear a
confused mix of expressions about our soul and our spirit. The way these terms
are used can lead us to believe that they are interchangeable. Certainly the
translators of the Bible confuse these terms.
The Greek terms
are as follows: body soma;
soul psuche; and spirit pneuma. If you search these terms in the
Greek interlinear Bible you will be surprised to see how a text can have a
different meaning if these words are translated accurately.
It doesn’t take a
lot to understand that difference between our body, our soul and our spirit. I
have written a book about the difference between these, and many who read it
and study it have come to know and understand themselves in a way that assists
them to take greater charge of their lives.
We will start
with a quick overview of how the human being is a being of body, soul, and
spirit. Then we can discover how each of these three aspects has three functional
parts. We can put it simply in this way:
- The body is physical, it grows, and it moves.
- The soul feels, it thinks, and it has intentions (will).
- Through the spirit we develop higher faculties of imagination, inspiration, and intuition.
All of these elements
within us are governed by what the Bible refers to as the I AM. We can call
this I AM the Higher Self. The way the I AM or Higher Self interacts with us is
mostly unconscious and it is our job to develop a conscious awareness of it.
We hear about
this I AM in the second book of the Bible when Moses has his famous
conversation with God. Moses asks God what his name is (Exodus 3:14) and the
response is Ehyeh asher ehyeh I AM that I AM. In the New Testament we meet the I
AM in the Greek expression ego eimi.
The ancient Greek Philosopher Philo wrote of this event which speaks of
the I AM and of God.
There was a bush or briar, a very thorny plant, and very weak and supple. This bush was on a sudden set in a blaze without any one applying any fire to it, and being entirely enveloped from the root to the topmost branch by the abundant flame, as though it had proceeded from some fountain showering fire over it, it nevertheless remained whole without being consumed, like some impassible essence, and not as if it were itself the natural fuel for fire, but rather as if it were taking the fire for its own fuel. Philo
Burning bush by Arnold Friberg
So what is this I AM, is it God or is it human? Well, simply put, it is
both. The I AM is that part of God that is in us. We often hear that God is the
Creator, and the main thing the I AM does is make us creative. Whenever we
express our talent, in those amazing moments when we do great things, it is the
I AM expressing itself in us and in this way we can become aware of it. A
powerful example about this is from a conversation between Michael Parkinson
and Paul McCartney which went like this:
“This is just me in here. Paul McCartney is some guy over there doing amazing things. If I thought that was me constantly it would blow my head off.”
Our I AM is certainly a mysterious and powerful thing. Knowledge of it
has been hidden from us by the churches and secret societies down the ages. The
time has come for us to become aware of it and to use it to the fullest
possible effect in our lives. The trickiest thing is that we have to discover
it ourselves, no one can teach us what it is, they can only point to it, and
then we must experience it firsthand.
The Bible is one of the best handbooks I know to assist with this
discovery as I reveal in all my books. I must stress here that this is NOT
about any specific religion; each religious expression is a path up the
mountain to the pinnacle of knowledge about the I AM. The way I explain the I
AM is also not about dogma and definition, this knowledge can only live in us
if we strive to experience the reality of our own being when we are motivated to
really know ourselves. In this way we learn how to know others too.